Joy Club (Senior Adults)
Jay Crawford,
JOY Club Leader
Providing a Supportive Community Involved in Monthly Outings
Our seniors community, known as the Joy Club, find community, support and encouragement by participating in our monthly outings both localy and on longer overnight trips.
Upcoming Events
See Susan Adkins for all events to pay for and reserve your spot! Only 30 seats are available.
August 15th
Smokey Mountain Railway: Nantahala Gorge Excursion (lunch included; leave church at 7:30 AM)
Cost: $67.00 per person
September 12th
Picnic at Lake Cooley (leave church at 10:00 AM; limit 30 on buses) Joy Club to provide chicken fingers and drinks. Bring plenty of food to share!
Cost: free
October 5th
Brushy Mountain Apple Festival, Wilkesboro, NC (leave church at 8:30 AM; limit 30 on buses) 425 craft & 100 food vendors; live music.
Cost: free; bring cash for food, etc.
November - No Meeting - Happy Thanksgiving!
December 5th
Caro-Mi Lodge, Tryon, NC (leave church at 5:00 PM; limit 30 on buses)
Cost: $15 per person